“The formula for success is a few simple disciplines practiced daily ”
-Jim Rohn

Feel like you don’t have a voice in your own life?
Crippled by fear and anxiety with no direction?

Sign up today for our 6 Week Emotional Fitness Course!

An intensive video and coaching series that teaches you how to manage all the emotions we experience as humans. Exploring your mindset, beliefs and values before taking a deep dive into your subconscious programming.
Build the life you WANT to lead and not the one you are settling for!

The Drive Behind What We Do

Relationships exist all around us, we are in them everyday, the ones with ourselves, our partners and family, our community and all the way to our relationship with our food and everything in-between
How we approach these relationships is what shapes our lives, the quality of our lives and the directions we take ourselves in.
This is why we started Life Purposefully, to help people do just that. Live their lives On Purpose, With Purpose and For a Purpose

So what does that look like in what we can offer you? Let’s break it down;
* On Purpose (to show up authentically and intentionally to ourselves),
* With a Purpose (how we interact in our external relationships, from loved ones all the way to how we interact with food)
* For a Purpose (where we give back and what we do with our gifts in this world).

It was with this in mind that we created Life, Purposefully. To not only offer coaching and support to individuals, businesses and athletes, but to provide a new and easy access to getting healthy with our food and what we put into our bodies with L.P. Foods.

Because it’s the quality of our relationships that matter in this life.

Relationship Coaches Emily and Nathanael Burke.  Founders of Life Purposefully

Who We Are

Emily Burke ~ Co-Founder
Relationship Mentor & Certified Life and Nutrition Coach
(click image for more about me)

Nathanael Burke ~ Co-Founder
Mindset, Business & Relationship Coach.
(click image for more about me)