“The formula for success is a few simple disciplines practiced daily ”
-Jim Rohn

Feel like you don’t have a voice in your own life?
Crippled by fear and anxiety with no direction?

Sign up today for our 6 Week Emotional Fitness Course!

An intensive video and coaching series that teaches you how to manage all the emotions we experience as humans. Exploring your mindset, beliefs and values before taking a deep dive into your subconscious programming.
Build the life you WANT to lead and not the one you are settling for!

Relationship Coaches Emily and Nathanael Burke.  Founders of Life Purposefully

The Drive Behind What We Do

Relationships exist all around us, we are in them everyday, the most important one in your life (besides the one with yourself) is the one with your spouse / partner. It is where you find yourself at your deepest, where you get stretched past what you thought you could do and find new levels of strength and softness. Where you are comforted and held in safety, support and understanding.
We all experience fear, failure, doubt and sometimes we let that take over in our lives. But when you are in a divine partnership these moments change, they don’t take hold they way they did in the past. They still come, but you move through them with each other, you use that to build a stronger foundation, focusing on how you can serve one another and the relationship on an even higher level.
When you do this, when you alter your state in this way, the affects it can have on your life are staggering and profound.
We know this through our own past experiences in relationships, through divorce and the transformation that can happen once you know the tools and fully believe what you are capable of and what you deserve in your life.

We would love to sit with you, share what we have learned and give you the tools to create the relationship that will support and nourish you through your life.

Who We Are

Emily Burke ~ Co-Founder
Relationship Mentor & Certified Life and Nutrition Coach
(click image for more about me)

Nathanael Burke ~ Co-Founder
Mindset, Business & Relationship Coach.
(click image for more about me)