Emily Burke
Relationship Mentor and Certified Life & Nutrition Coach

I also like to call myself an accountability and consciousness coach because that is my belief, that once we bring ourselves into the present moment and really look at where we are, we can facilitate amazing change within ourselves.  It’s not easy to look at everything, the good, the bad and all the dark little corners of ourselves, but there is also so much power in it.  This is work for the long game, there is no magic pill, but the life that you can build for yourself way surpasses any “pill” you could take.  There’s nothing like knowing what you are capable of and holding that certainty in your heart, no one can take that away from you!

From the varied experiences I have had throughout my life, some of which included; severe anxiety, an eating disorder and experiencing multiple miscarriages, I realized how much I wanted to help people, to encourage them to not let the things in life that take us down be their defining thing.  It was through my struggles that I found my greatest strengths and now I am taking the tools that I have learned to support people and encourage them to unleash their own inner warrior.

To find out more of what I am working on (including writing a book) check out my project at

Also, that’s one of my dogs in the pic with me, her name is Bucket. She’s a little house cow.